G'day Friends,

Welcome to the jlbCREATIVE Halloworkshop!

This workshop features 7 weeks of Halloween fun in our Art Journals - a warmup lesson and main tutorial dropping every Wednesday (Addams) leading up to Halloween 2024!

I'll be sharing lots of my favorite Art Journaling tips/tricks and techniques/treats throughout the workshop, focusing on getting your hands on your supplies and your imagination on overdrive. 

This is our first jlbCREATIVE self-study workshop with weekly dripped content, totaling 7 warm-up lessons and 7 main lessons - a HalloWEEK's worth of content. With a whole week between lessons I anticipate this Halloworkshop to be very "finish-friendly", meaning you can realistically complete all the course content as it drips out (if you've taken any of my Virtual Voyages you will know what it's like to be OVERLOADED with content haha!)

Each lesson is whimsically Halloween themed and broken down into manageable steps for a streamlined, self-paced, learning process, appropriate for all skill levels. Each video is also downloadable and there are printable PDF worksheets with scanned lesson references to compliment your video tutorials.

Warmup Lesson

We'll get our supplies out, hands moving and imaginations active with simple warmup lessons

Main Lesson

Then we jump into the meat and bones of our workshop with longer lessons looking at skill-building for our artistic tool belts

The Extra Mile

Hosted on YouTube, Halloworkshop students gain early access to, and PDF references for, the bonus "The Extra Mile" content featuring extra Halloworkshop ideas

If you're going to join us

I hope you enjoy getting into the Halloween spirit and playing along with me in your Art Journals for our very first...

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