Playt3st Patr3on 2023 - Full Content Bundle
Playt3st Patr3on - Full Content Bundle 2023
Please NOTE - this is not a structured "course" or "workshop" like others available from jlbCREATIVE. Purchase of this content bundle will give you access to ALL content offerings from the PLAYT3ST 2023 experience held from January to March on Patreon 2023. This bundle is simply being hosted on Teachable for easy access, it is not formatted like other jlbcreative Workshops are. Due to the downloadable nature of this bundle there are no refunds or exchanges available after purchase. If you would like to know more about the bundle, please check out my instagram @jameslukeburkecreative and the hashtags #playtestpatreon3 & #playt3stpatr3on
Your Instructor
G'day friends, my name is James and I'm an Australian Professional Dancer turned Mixed Media Artist!
JameslukeburkeCREATIVE started as a passion project after a career-changing car accident, and quickly became my new dream. I aim to nurture the inherent creativity in others with encouraging, empowering, educational and accessible content, tutorials and products. I strive to share the joy of artistic expression and witness the pure happiness that comes from feeling completely creatively fulfilled.
Catch me in one of our LIVE Workshop experiences, or find a nice study-at-your-own-pace course - I'd love to share my passion for Art Journaling with you!
Course Curriculum
StartThe Art of Tim Burton Playtime
StartWednesday Wednesdays
StartFinish-it Friday
StartPlaytest Pals
StartThe Last 5 Years - January 1st
StartSaturday Chaturday - Australia '22
StartThey Drew As They Pleased Playtime
StartWednesday Wednesdays 2
StartFinish-it Friday 2
StartPlaytest Pals 2
StartThe Last 5 Years - January 18th
StartSaturday Chaturday - a Career and a Half
StartI am Plastic, Too Playtime
StartWednesday Wednesdays 3
StartFashion Fridays
StartPlaytest Pals 3
StartThe Last 5 Years - January 30th
StartSaturday Chaturday - a Box full of Journals
StartStoryteller Playtime
StartWednesday Wednesdays 4
StartFashion Fridays 2
StartPlaytest Pals 4
StartCollage Club SURPRISE!
StartThe Last 5 Years - February 17th
StartSaturday Chaturday - The Morning Show
StartIn My Memory - Gran
StartWednesday Wednesdays 5
StartFashion Friday 3
StartThe Last 5 Years - February 25th
StartSaturday Chaturday - Doubles Journaling
StartIn My Memory - Daily Life in Japan
StartWednesday Wednesdays 6
StartRefresh - Watercolors
StartPlayback 2
StartThe Last 5 Years - March 11th
StartSaturday Chaturday - The Future
StartIn My Memory - Discovering Art Journaling
StartWednesday Wednesdays 7
StartRefresh - Pencils